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Short story) The Hunt for the Undervalued Stock

sosohantry 2024. 10. 13. 18:41

<The Hunt for the Undervalued Stock>



Tyler sat in the back of his high school economics class, tapping his pencil against his notebook. His friends were all half-asleep, but Tyler’s mind was racing. He wasn’t thinking about what to get for lunch or which game to watch after school. He was thinking about stocks. Specifically, undervalued stocks—those forgotten gems just waiting for someone smart enough to pick them up.

The teacher droned on about basic supply and demand, but Tyler was already beyond that. He had read enough investing books to know the real game was finding what no one else saw. As the old saying went: The best opportunities are where others fear to tread.


Trial 1: The No-Brainer Temptation

At lunch, Tyler was scrolling through his investment app, ignoring the flashy headlines about Apple’s new product launch and Tesla’s latest milestone. “Everyone’s chasing those,” he muttered under his breath. "Not me."

Just then, his friend Justin plopped down next to him, munching on fries. “Dude, why don’t you just invest in Tesla? Everyone's making bank off it.”

Tyler looked up, rolling his eyes. “That’s exactly why I’m not investing in it. Too obvious. The real money is in the stuff no one wants.”

Justin blinked. “You mean, like, the loser stocks? Bro, that’s risky.”

“Exactly. But that’s where the real opportunity is,” Tyler replied confidently, though his stomach did a nervous flip. Was he making a mistake by ignoring the obvious choices?


Trial 2: The Numbers Game

After school, Tyler raced home, determined to prove his point. He parked himself in front of his laptop, scrolling through lists of forgotten, beaten-down stocks. Finally, he landed on something that looked promising: an old tech company that used to be big but had been struggling for years. Its stock price was dirt cheap.

But the numbers… oh, the numbers didn’t look good. Revenue was down, their last product had flopped, and they were bleeding cash. Every instinct in Tyler's brain screamed, "Run away!" But that’s what everyone else thought too, right? And that’s why the stock was so cheap.

He remembered the golden rule of investing: Buy low, sell high. But could he really justify buying a company that looked like it was on life support? His finger hovered over the “Buy” button.


Trial 3: The Crisis of Confidence

A week later, things weren’t looking great. The stock had dropped even lower since Tyler bought it, and every time he checked his app, his heart sank. The school hallway was no better. His phone buzzed every five minutes with updates about how well Tesla and Amazon were doing, and he couldn’t help but feel like maybe, just maybe, he should’ve followed the crowd.

One afternoon, Justin caught up with him between classes. “So, how’s that ‘underdog’ stock doing?” he asked with a smirk.

Tyler tried to play it cool. “It’s… uh, it’s a long-term play.”

Justin raised an eyebrow. “Right. Long-term. Well, good luck with that.”

As Justin walked away, Tyler couldn’t shake the feeling that he had made a huge mistake. Maybe he wasn’t as smart as he thought. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this investing thing after all.


Trial 4: The Sudden Turnaround

But then, just when Tyler was ready to throw in the towel, something incredible happened. One morning, he opened his app and saw the stock had jumped 15% overnight. Tyler blinked, thinking it was a glitch. But no—there it was, staring back at him in green numbers.

He quickly searched for the news: the company had just signed a huge deal with a major tech firm. It was a game-changer. Suddenly, all those investors who had written the company off were scrambling to buy in. Tyler watched in disbelief as the stock continued to climb throughout the day. 20%. 30%.

By the time school let out, the stock had skyrocketed 40%. Tyler felt like he was floating as he walked through the halls. He had done it. He had found the hidden gem.

Justin caught up with him after school, his eyes wide. “Dude, have you seen your stock? It’s blowing up!”

Tyler grinned. “Told you, man. The best investments are the ones no one else sees.”


Trial 5: The Temptation to Sell

As the days passed and the stock continued to climb, Tyler faced one last challenge: when to sell. Everyone knew that timing the market was impossible, but the gains were so tempting. Should he cash out now and take the win? Or should he hold on, knowing that the company might still have more room to grow?

Late one night, he sat at his desk, staring at the “Sell” button on his app. His head told him to lock in his profits, but his gut told him to stick it out a little longer.

In the end, Tyler decided to trust his instincts. He didn’t sell. And sure enough, a week later, the stock had climbed another 10%. He had bet on the underdog, and it had paid off.


The Lesson: Trust the Process

Tyler had learned a lot through the ups and downs of his investment. The key wasn’t just in picking stocks—it was in trusting his process, even when everyone else doubted him. He knew that he wouldn’t always get it right, but he also knew that the best opportunities were often found in the places no one else was looking.

As he walked through the halls of his high school, his confidence had grown. He wasn’t just some kid messing around with stocks—he was a real investor. And that, more than anything, made him feel like he was on top of the world.

Because sometimes, the best rewards come from taking risks no one else is willing to take.



The Hunt for the Undervalued Stock



